Old News


It's a great pleasure for me to welcome a new guest artist on my website: ATELIER EG. He contributes with an outstanding example of his beautifully drafted pencil-art. Be sure to check out ATELIER EG's website, where you can find tons of fantastic drawings!


Here is a special version of the latest pic... enjoy!


Bulging muscles now in color ;-)


Today something for the biceps lovers - a girl flexing her big arms :-).
The oldest pics (Gallery 1) are now hosted on the free imagehosting service at Imagevenue; if this works fine, they will stay there.


"In every generation there is a Chosen One,
she alone will stand against the vampires,
the demons and the forces of darkness,
she is the Slayer..."


The Guardian of the Temple is waiting for friends who come from the stars...


Vampires, Demons and Creatures of the Night, better go away - the slayer is around!


Round ass & huge tits - a big-booty girl in two flavors: with pony tail and bald.


The Chaos Marches were an area of ongoing struggle for almost two centuries. In the Marches expeditionary forces of the Great Houses were still fighting against each other when the assault of the Empire began. The isolated House troops, many lightyears away from their homeworlds, tried to withstand the superior imperial invaders. The headquarters of the Free Worlds League's expeditionary armies was located quite far away from the Chaos Marches, on the temperate world of Ohrensen.

This picture is dedicated to a beloved person who passed away this week. Farewell, my good old friend!


When the Galactic Civil War broke out, it soon became clear that the Great Houses were the main target of the Imperial aggression. Although many billions of well trained soldiers served in the armies of the Great Houses, they were outnumbered easily by the Imperial Armed Forces. An aura of invincibility surrounded the Imperial Army... however, the troops of the houses were no easy prey. They had fought in numerous regional wars, colonial campaigns and planetary assaults. The Free Worlds League, ruled by House Marik, was one of the most powerful House states. Here you can see a girl of the Atrean Hussars and a Ground Marshal of the FWL.


Finally here is my colored version of the country girl (and this time she's brunette...).


FASOLA colored my latest b/w piece, the voluptuous farmgirl. Two versions of her - red or blond... you decide which one you prefer ;-).


Give me the buxom country lass
Hot piping from the cow;
She'll take a touch upon the grass,
Ay, yes, and thank you, too,
Ay, yes, and thank you, too.
("The Sound Country Lass" by Ed McCurdy, 1959).


Added today 3 new pieces of color work by FASOLA. Some of my old b/w pictures got a bright new face... :-).


The naugthy grrl got color.


Naughty girls like to play with beads... ;-)


"... I want him to know what I know. I want him to know I want him to know. And I want them all to know they'll all soon be as dead as O-Ren." --- The Bride.


A tribute to Quentin Tarantino's cult-movie Kill Bill: Our heroine Beatrix Kiddo with her famous Hattori-Hanzo-Katana.


I was rather busy during the past weeks, but finally here is an update:
The Dark Lady has arrived on the Deathstar...fear! :-o


The Dark Lady stripped... but beware, she's still the Devil!


Ready to Rumble... FIGHT!!!


I was asked for a buffed version of Athena Asamiya from the King of Fighters game. So... here she is, thickly muscled and heavy boobed. ;-)


Imperial troops stationed at a submarine base on an aquatic planet.


Happy New Year! Happy New Year!!! Happy New Year!


Merry X-Mas! Merry Christmas
Happy Season's Greetings!!!
Merry X-Mas!

Rudolph is on holiday this year... but fortunately Santa has another strong lil' helper!


The coloration of the Imperial Diver is postponed for a few days... at the moment I'm preparing a little christmas gift, so stay tuned :-) !!


Specialized troops of the Golden Empire not only fought in space and on planetary surfaces, but also in the oceans of aquatic worlds.


Another Guest Artist has joined the site: Welcome FASOLA! He has wonderfully colored my Ms .45 line art.


On patrol with the muscular NY police gal (in color).


"New York's Finest" - a buffed NYPD officer.


The colored version of Ms .45 ... "No man will ever be safe again."


B/w version of a picture inspired by Abel Ferrara's early masterpiece "Angel of Vengeance / Ms .45" ... the scene where the Halloween party turns into a slaughter.


It's a pleasure for me to indroduce a new Guest Artist on my page, so let's welcome ARTOFFBB. He starts with 4 pictures of extremely massive female bodybuilders!!
I was away for a few days last week, so the bw-version of my latest picture (Halloween pic... well, kind of... ) will be presented a bit delayed on the next update.


A small troop of the Imperial Desert Force on a torrid moon.


In one of the past updates the Lyran Desertcorps was introduced. Now it's time for its opponent during the Galactic Civil War... the Imperial Desert Force.


The asian ricefield girl in color!


A sweet little ricefield worker from Far East. Well, maybe not so little... ;-)


Troops of the Lyran Desert Corps on a barren planet... (finally coloration & background are done!)


The armies of the Great Houses are scattered over countless planets with various environments - from lush tropical paradises to hostile frozen wastelands. A famous unit of the Lyran Alliance is the Desert Corps, which has been sent to the hot, barely inhabited worlds of the Mid Rim Territories.


Butterscotch Fox in serious trouble - poor Butter is no match against the overwhelming power of the military machinery of the Devil's Golden Empire.


I set up a Topsitelisting on my page! Give it a try and add your site!
The coloration of my upcoming Butterscotch-picture is about 50% done... so stay tuned!


...the poor victim of the Devil, SuperheroineCentral's lovely Butterscotch Fox (bw version).


Finally the Devil is back (bw version)... at whom she laughs - you will see in the next update :-).


And here it is - the colored version of the olympic girl.


My tribute to the Olympic Games.... a Brazilian Beachvolleyball-Girl / bw. The colored version will be up tomorrow!


The Twi'lek Jedi and the Imperial Guard fighting each other - colored lightsaber duel.


A soldier of the Imperial Guard, the top elite unit of the Empire. Many rumors have grown up around these mysterious soldiers, the most feared warriors of the Galaxy. It is told that a single Guard is worth a whole platoon of regular troops...


A female Twi'lek Jedi fighting an intense lightsaber duel - bw version. Her opponent will be presented in the next update.
Be sure to have a look at the links section, many new links were added during the past three weeks!


The big bald girl is battling for the Ms Olympia - looks like she is going to win. A colored picture of her without bikini is also available ;-).


One of my favorite models in contest shape - the bald beauty, bw version.


Added the colored picture of a militia woman on Novo Franklin, the agricultural capital planet of the Franklin Fiefs.


Another piece of the Golden-Empire-universe:
The Franklin Fiefs are one of the underdeveloped Houses of the Periphery. The military of the Fiefs consists mainly of infantry militia troops. Yet the Golden Empire will carry The Galactic Civil War even to those remote worlds...


Hot of the press... the colored version of American Fox.


Jenny's Artwork has moved again... obviously you have found the new place ;-). The new address is Jennys-Artwork.com (the old addresses work too: www.Jennys-Artwork.net.tc and www.Jennys-Artwork.tk) .

Of course there is also an update of my gallery: a b/w picture of Superheroine Central's American Fox.


Congratulation, Greece!!


...and here the colored version.


The Great Houses - opponents of the Golden Empire. Here is the b/w version of an officer of the Duchy of Oriente.


A little tribute to the UEFA Euro 2004 in Portugal.


Captured by the Golden Empire... Princess Leia in color (and chains).


JITTER has sent a 3D-story featuring a beautiful superheroine. Check it out on JITTER's Gallery.


Line-art-girl for a new colored picture (you might guess by the girl's name what theme the pic will have...). This time I have completed two drawings from the same sketch: The version which will appear in the final picture and a special edition ;-).


Happy Easter! Happy Easter!!! Happy Easter!

The Easter Bunny is here!!


The Golden Empire has risen: Female clone troops on Geonosis ready to attack.


A new color picture in the making. Here is a b/w preview: An Imperial Infantrywoman.


Finally the Muscle-Mum got color!!


Another piece of line art today: This Mum looks tougher than Dad...


Admiral Daala on Coruscant, colored version.


2004 starts with a line drawing of the most famous female officer of the Imperial Navy: Admiral Daala.


Merry X-Mas! Merry Christmas
and a
Happy New Year!!!
Merry X-Mas!

Ms. Santa is bringing some X-mas gifts!!


Here is the bald gal in color
And there are more good news... Wreckshop's Messageboard is back!!!.


Another voluptuous girl (b/w version today): bald & beauty with big booty.


The poor heroine finally got some color!


I've inked a sketch drawn in 2002: a muscle heroine captivated - Waiting in Fear...


And here comes the colored version of the imperial muscles: Hail to the Golden Empire!


Here's the b/w version of an imperial muscle girl. A colored version will follow soon.


One more of my musclegirls... in a somewhat sticky environment :-), b/w version and colored version.
I'm also going to set up a little gallery with a few non-femuscle related pics... stay tuned!


Finally I had some time to finish the announced pic... a b/w version can be found on my gallery. However, the colored version is on the Guest Gallery of Alpha Artwork!!


A new pic is in preparation. Though it still needs some coloration.


Incredible but true...
During the past two weeks there have been 5 different (free) webspace-providers for Jenny's Artwork!! Hopefully my page will run smooth now...


New stuff on my gallery... :-)


You may have noticed, the provider of Jenny's Artwork has changed once again. There is no update of artwork today, but another picture is in the making... I'm already doing the coloration.


Happy 2nd anniversary!!!

Jenny's Artwork has launched two years ago! Time to say Thank You to all the femuscle- and boob-lovers, who have visited my site since that time: Big Hugs and Kisses (smack, smack) to you!!!

On my gallery you may find a new picture which has been inspired by a LHart drawing... some girl/girl action...


A new pic is on the way... stay tuned!!!!


Once upon a time... a buffed Snowwhite on my gallery!


Two pictures by SIDSICK99 in the Guest Artists gallery and one line-art picture on my gallery: A young officer of the Federated Suns arrives at the Imperial colony on Venturo VI.


Something new... I re-worked and completed a sketch I made back in 2002.


Xmas update... four new panels of JITTER's amazing superheroine story and a little Xmas card on my gallery.



Added a new picture to my gallery: Outposts of the Golden Empire are located everywhere in the Galaxy, even on that uninhabited, frozen planet in the Outer Rim Territories (The background is a screenshot taken from Jeremy 'Faceless' Graves' UnrealTournament map Dm-Hyperboreal).


And here's the colored version!!
The great background picture is NOT created by myself, it's the work of Ray Benjamin and Heather Cousineau. It was their contribution to The Internet Raytracing Competition Sep./Oct. 1999.


I´ve done another contribution to WreckShop´s art collaboration (topic this time: Horror). It´s the line-art version, the colored pic will be posted soon.


New artwork created by SIDSICK99 on the Guest Artist gallery!!
I did another Butterscotch Fox pic: This time Butter´s tried to struggle against the evil Golden Empire...


Big update today. A new artist joined the Guest Artist gallery: SIDSICK99... four sketches of big-boobed buffies, more to come. JITTER´s superheroine story is continued with four new panels, and DAVID E.´s girls are playing again with guns and cars ;-).
I was busy with my contribution to the monthly art collaboration on WreckShop´s Message Board. This time the topic is "patriotism"... I prefered a rather loose interpretation of the theme. You may find a slightly improved version of the original pic on my gallery.


Here it is... my latest creation "Lady Death".


After a long and unintended break from my artwork activities, finally there is an update. My apologies to all the loyal visitors of this site and the artists who´ve tried to contact me during the past four monthes and didn´t get a feedback until now... please forgive me and feel free to re-send me your emails!!
And now to the fun part: JITTER has sent three pages of a new superheroine comic strip (actually it is dated from May, sorry!!!), also DAVID E. has been creative and give us more hot & dangerous girls.
I´ve returned to artwork, too. A picture of a famous comic heroine is almost completed. Tomorrow it will be presented here!!


Added a picture of Butterscotch Fox... if you don´t know her, just take a look at www.SuperheroineCentral.com!


One new picture on my gallery: an asian sword-fighter.


There are another 2 pages of the "Lost World" comic strip by JITTER! And more hot girls by DAVID E.!
Also one pic added on my gallery.


GUSTAVO was very creative once again - 3 really big girls added!!
For WreckShop´s Message Board I´ve done a little picture showing WRECK´s Character Idal. You may find a large-scale version of the pic on my gallery.


JITTER continues his comic story of the "Lost World" - three pages added. And (of course) another update of GUSTAVO´s gallery! On my gallery there is the lineart version of a picture I started some weeks ago. Coloring is still missing.


Update on GUSTAVO´s gallery: another five pics added!
Carneval time on my gallery... the devilish Samba-Queen.


Goodies made by GUSTAVO on his gallery. More to come!! I´ve posted a new picture, too. 19.01.2002

Yes, I´m still there - although my artwork activities during the past weeks have reached almost zero-level. Anyway, it´s the right time to present a new picture on my gallery...


Huge update today... tons of kudos to my Guest Artists, who have been creative as usual:
DAVID E. created more hard and hot babes, some punching-girl-pics made by GUSTAVO and JITTER sent a special Xmas picture. On my gallery there´s also a new pic...



More muscular gals made by GUSTAVO are on the Guest Artist gallery.
Finally I´ve colored up a new piece of my artwork: it´s showing my version of a character created by PHIL LAWSON: Darksin, the Demon Assassin... be sure to check out Phil´s homepage at Universe1Comics !


The Guest Artist Gallery is still growing: GUSTAVO presents another five muscle-girls. Plus a picture with a new ultra-strong girl is made by NICOLAS.


Goodies on the Guest Artist gallery: Another sixpack of beautifully muscled gals by GUSTAVO and more powerful girls playing with cars by DAVID E.


DAVID E. comes up with two new hot babes. GUSTAVO continues with another six strong girls.
Also an update of my gallery... the Devil is back >;-)... HAPPY HALLOWEEN BELATED !!!


A new artist has entered the Guest Artist gallery: GUSTAVO. On seven pictures he shows us dominating muscular gals... more will come! JITTER presents the "Supergirl Halloween Page" and DAVID E. adds another 3 superpowered girls.
Two colored versions of a nude figure are new on my gallery.


Small update (a huge update of the Guest Artist gallery willl follow next weekend!)... here´s the custom artwork: it´s Freefall from the comic series Gen13.


Bunch of new pics in the Guest Artist gallery: DAVID E. started his gallery with two pics of invulnerable sexy super-women. JITTER presents a new story of a giantess superheroine plus a higher resolved version of picture Jitter_06. And two more big-boobed giantesses by OLIVIER.
I´m currently working on a piece of custom artwork... almost finished. I´ll present it (line-art & colored version) in a few days.
And... PHIL LAWSON has put up his website, where he gives us an example of his incredible skills - be sure to take a look!!


JITTER continues his "Lost World" series plus another page of an ultra-strong superheroine.
Finally the Imperial Colonel got colors: She´s there with her unit on a dusty galactic outpost.


Had some computer problems last week, so the update of my gallery is postponed.
BUT... new artwork on the Guest Artist Gallery:
NICOLAS sent a collage of a strong & sexy blonde "working out" on a car. OLIVIER´s gallery is back online, plus a new pic: The Giantess Liberty.


Oktoberfest started last week, so here she is: A big-busted buxom beer-bottle-bunching bavarian barmaid on my gallery.


New artwork by JITTER: "Liberty ready to strike!"
All removed pics are back on my gallery. The Imperial Officer is not ready yet, but another pic might be presented in a few days... be patient!


JITTER presents on two pages a new comic strip with a super-powered girl. NICOLAS comes up with a collage of another ultra-strong super-girl.
The line-art version of the Imperial Officer is on my gallery... coloration is on the way.


A new artist has joined the Guest Gallery: JITTER shows us two samples of his upcoming superheroine-themed comic strip.
DENNY K´s story "The Strength Queen" got some illustrations: I added a bunch of older pencil sketches I made during the creation of the story. You´ll find them in the respective chapters.
OLIVIER´s gallery will be down for another few weeks, the pics I removed from my gallery will return next week or so.
I´m currently working on a pic showing a girl of the Imperial Forces - kind of a complement to the female MechCommander. The line-art version will be presented in a few days.
And last but not least: PHIL LAWSON is putting up his own website... be prepared for sexy, superior, seductive super-gals!!


Due to the incidents of last Tuesday I have decided to postpone my usual update. I´ll update some time this week.


OLIVIER asked me to temporarily remove his artwork, so his gallery is down at the moment. Parts of my gallery are also removed.
It´s a sad week. My heart goes out to the victims of the terrorist attacks, to the people of New York and Washington and to all Americans. My thoughts and prayers are with you!


Another update of the Guest Artist Gallery: More sexy mega-girls by OLIVIER!!
On my gallery there´s a new sci-fi themed pic: A female MechCommander of the Federated Suns in front of her unit. All the Great Houses are fighting against the almighty and evil Golden Empire... I know, this is a twisted mixture of some well-known sci-fi stories ;-).


A new section with stories is added: First contribution is "The Strength Queen" by DENNY K .
Plus an update of the Guest Artist Gallery - big busted mega-girls by OLIVIER... 6 new pics!


The Guest Gallery is open again: NICOLAS presents a collage of an ultra-strong sexy heroine.
And an update of my gallery - today something for those who like sob stories ;-): The legions of hell had destroyed the capital of a space colony... this young mother with her two kids barely escaped from the inferno.
Line-art and colored version!


A piece of custom artwork today: a furious superheroine is lifting a whole building... nobody can stop her.


The horsewomen are in color now... finally. And there are two versions: One version with a bitmap background and one with a color gradient. In the latter the contrast between fore- and background is somewhat better. I hope you like one of them...


New pics and some changes. The old Guest Artists Gallery is now PHIL LAWSON´s Gallery. There´s also a Star-Wars-themed sketch by the master himself... it´s something weird ;-).
Another new sci-fi pic is on my gallery (both line-art and colored version): Seven of Nine meets the infamous Borg-Queen...
The Horsewomen are still in b/w. I started the coloration, but it´s just at the beginning.


The highly resolved line-art version of my latest fantasy-drawing is on the gallery: The apocalyptic riders. Beware of the four horsewomen!


Added a pic by PHILIP LAWSON in the Guest Artists Gallery: A female warrior and her dragon-horse.
Also I put a little pencil sketch in my gallery. The fantasy pic still needs some time...


A new fantasy-themed drawing is on the way. There´s still something to do with the line-art and the pic will also get coloration. A preview is here.


Lara in color! Let´s go adventuring!!


New pic showing a celebrity :-) ... today the line-art version. I started with the coloration, so the colored version will be presented soon.


Happy 4th July to all my American visitors!! (well, a little bit belated). In the Gallery there is a pencil sketch fitting to this theme: The Angel of Liberty.


The colored version of the female warrior is on the gallery now!


Gallery update... A proud, mysterious female warrior. Today the line-art, colored version soon.


A links-section is added... I´ll update the gallery in a few days with a new pic.


Gallery update... 1 new fantasy-pic (line-art & colored version): A female Cherub is ambushed and attacked by Soldiers of Hell. Now she is fighting for her life... and she puts up a hard fight!!


The GUEST ARTISTS Gallery is open - 3 pics by PHILIP LAWSON added.
I´m working on another fantasy themed pic. The coloration is just on the way. For a little preview click here.


Started... 7 pics added. Pics 01 - 05 are older ones, but not published so far. 06 and 07 are my latest creations.